Our home cleaning & disinfecting team is approved provider for cleaning and disinfecting services by the National Environment Agency (NEA). Our disinfectants are 99.99% effective against germs and viruses that includes COVID-19, and together with our antimicrobial coating for high-touch surfaces (e.g. door handles, switches, table top surfaces), we keep your house free of germs and viruses. Our cleaning solutions are also babies- and pets-safe as they are non-toxic and alcohol-free.
Self Disinfecting Antimicrobial Highlights (optional add on):
- Eliminate odours
- Provides 90 days protection
- Won't stain or discolour fabric
- 100% child safe and food safe
- Kills most known bacteria & virus (including coronavirus)
- Boeing and Airbus tested (Boeing D6-7127/ AIMS 09-00-0002)
- Coating will be intact even after water wash or cleaning routines
Check out photos from our past sessions;

How long is the whole session?
Takes between 2 to 4 hours depending on the area and add on.
Will the Antimicrobial solution stains fabric/ leather?
The solution is non-toxic and colour-less. It will not stain or discolour any fabric/ leather.
How long does it take to disinfect and completes the coating?
Antimicrobial shield disinfect immediately upon touching the surface and binds quickly to surfaces within 15 minutes.
Do I need to clean my house/ room prior to disinfection application?
You may leave your room as-it-is. Antimicrobial shield will still be able to disinfect and protect your surface even when there is dust. You are encouraged to tidy up your room in order to achieve optimal application coverage.
After cleaning / coating, can I do my usual cleaning in my baby room?
Regular cleaning is encouraged for optimal cleanliness of your house/ room. Common cleaning products will not remove the Antimicrobial coating.