Blog — Tips
What to Do When Your Stroller or Car Seat Has Been Attacked by Mould
We are no stranger to mould, especially in Singapore’s humid climate. Humidity encourages the growth of mould, and mould thrives in damp conditions. We tend to keep bulky items in storage areas which actually manifests the growth of mould. Have you ever been in the situation where Baby #2 is on the way and you decided to reuse stroller that Baby #1 grew out of, only to find that there are white patches all over the fabric? Alas! Your baby stroller has been infested by mould. Here are a few reasons your car seat or stroller turned mouldy. You store...
How to Encourage Your Kids to Practise Good Hygiene
Practicing good hygiene from young is essential to their health and well-being can be a daily challenge. Between the ages of two and three, your child’s self-awareness increases, and she begins to understand that she needs to take care of herself. Instilling in your kids a healthy hygiene routine when they are young can create habits that last throughout their lives. Here are few tips, facts, and activities for instilling personal hygiene in kids. Start with the basics Encourage hand-washing by practising the five simple and effective steps with your child - Wet, Lather, Scrub, Rinse, Dry When it comes...
Tips for First-Time Parents
New parents! It can be a daunting experience to care for a baby if you have not spent a lot of time around newborns. Their fragility may be intimidating. Newborns do not have a strong immune system yet, so they are susceptible to infection. These are a few basics you would want to remember. 1. Get a car seat You will need to get a car seat before your baby is born, as one will be necessary to take your new baby home. Be sure to always use a car seat which is appropriate for the age and weight of...
6 Important Tips for Buying a Used Stroller
Buying a stroller is one of the most important ― and tough ― purchase decisions you’ll need to make as a new parent. Your choice has to be spot on as a baby buggy is a very convenient way for the family to move about on weekends. If you are hoping to save some money by borrowing or buying a second-hand stroller, here are some tips to help you determine whether it is safe. Do your research. Figure out what you’re looking for (travel system, jogging stroller, lightweight or travel stroller, full-sized stroller) and what’s important to you (easy fold,...